Monday, June 22, 2009

Feeling Tired Upon Waking Was Getting Old

I couldn't take it anymore, feeling tired upon waking had simply gotten to the point where I could no longer stand it. I had been taking notice of my energy level versus friends I knew who were my age and I knew I wasn't keeping up. I wanted more from life and doing what I has been doing just wasn't going to cut it. I needed a change, because doing the same thing over and over again while wishing for a different result was driving me insane.

Feeling Tired Upon Waking Made Me Not Want to Wake Up At All
I couldn't figure out what why I was feeling tired upon waking, I only knew that I hated getting out of bed on bright sunny days, and on rainy days I wouldn't get out of bed at all if I didn't have to work. It eventually got to the point where I just didn't even enjoy seeing friends and family anymore because I felt like if I showed up today but not next time I would be letting them down. It's crazy how terrible the mind can be when you are always feeling tired and depressed, and for a very long time I was sick and depressed. And it was getting worse.

My Eureka Moment - A Breath of Fresh, Extremely Cold Air
One day on an extremely cold winter day (we're talking -20*F here) it was so cold that the swelling in particular areas relative to breathing contracted and all of a sudden there was this HUUUGE WHOOOSH! of air into my lungs. It felt as though I was breathing for the first time it was so much air. My inability to breath HAD to be a major cause of my fatigue problems. If super cold air could give me a burst of air and energy and vitality... then I needed to figure out how to get more air ALL the time.

Enter My Primary Care Physician
My PCP had seen me numerous times over the previous five years, and always sent me away with either anti-biotics or a simple, "Sorry you feel bad, you have a common virus." He may have been right about the virus, but I ALWAYS had "Just a virus"? Everyday? Weeks, months, and years at a time? Come on. That can't be right.

It wasn't. The next time I saw him I went to visit him while I was "perfectly" fine. I laid out the facts:
  • I was feeling as good as I ever felt
  • I still felt like cr*p
  • I had no intention of feeling this way any longer
  • I wanted his help or I was going to find someone else

We Needed a New Treatment Plan for My Chronic Fatigue Symptoms
That pretty much laid down the law. We talked more in depth about my health history and decided I needed to investigate a chronic breathing problem, and that it would be a good idea to review my other symptoms of fatigue to determine whether I was suffering from one of the chronic fatigue related illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia or perhaps something else. In my case I was suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, in addition to continuously infected tonsils. I'm about mid way through my treatment plan to stabilized my health situation, but I can tell you this... I no longer am feeling tired upon waking.

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